TATEMENT OF George H Svan Trustee UIA DTO 4309 Alain du Val dEpremesnil 2829 Broadeay MANAGEMENT AND CIACULATION Edwin Jo Paxton Revocable Trust under Agreement DTD 10506 15121 NE 22nd Ave 3a USC. 3685 Bue P. Brockenborough PO Box 722 2 Pubication No. USPS 325-380 Avenue, Apt 1San FranosoD CA 94107 Bryan Sinquefield 2325 Highland Avenue Fals and Sundby ch 5 No of ssues Published James T S Paxton 201 Sout, 4thStreet Mchael F Paxton 201 Souh hStheet Patucah John D.Padon 201 South 4th Street Paducah Joanna P. Federico 201 South 4th Street Danel T Paton 201 South, 4 Street Padan Annual Subscription Price: $377.5 P. O. ox529. MadisovilleKY 42431 8 Mailing Address of Pubication P.O, Box 529, Madisoile KY 42431 9.The Messenger, P. O Box 529 Madsie Y 20 Publisher Richard B Welch P.O Box 529 Padh Y 43003 Edor, Mke Aleie Ryan C.Paxton 201 South 4th Street Paducah KY 42003 aune E Paxton 201 South 4h Street Paducah KY 42003 Adam George Paxton, Tstee of the Adiam PO Box 429 Madisonvle Ky 42431 10 PMG Aquistion LLC 201 South 4htreet Paxton Media Group LLC 20 South 4h Street Russelbville Newspapers, Ihe 20t Sou4 Geoge Paxon Revocable Trust dite 12/7/2008 Street Paducah KY 42003 Henderson Newspapers, be 201 Soth 4t Street Paducah Ky Searcy Newspapers, Inc. 201 South 4 Street 757 1m Street Santa Monica CA 90404 J Frizzo 637 Whitney Drive Paducah K t. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and D301 South 4 Street Paducascity holders pencent or mone of amount of bonds and ofher securides None Stheet Paduah KY 4 Bc 20t South in Streeas Has not changed during Nixon Newspapers, he 201 Sout, Steet Dspatch Inc. 201 South 4 ssue dase for ciulaion data below h Street Paducah KY4 ne 15 xtent and nature of circulation Wabash Pain Dealer Company 301 South 4th A Total No Copies (Net Press Ru Sreet Padh KY 42003 Hammond Daily Star Publishing Company ihc B Paid Ceoulation 1, PaidRequested Outside Courtty mail suibsoriptions stated on Fom 3541 Franidort Times, Inc 201 South 4th Sreet Company, Inc 201 South 2. Paid In-County Subsoriptions Stated on tStreet Paducah KY 42003 Connersville Publishing Company, Inc 201 South3 3 Sales trough deilers, caers, street vendors The Shopper Company 201 South 4th Street nd counter sales 3.370 Enterpise, Ihc. 201 Souh n 4 One classes maled through tho USPS Mchel Canter PO Box 7367 Paducah KY C. Total Pad Disbution(Sum of 1581 . 367 ames Frederick Paxton Unifed Credit Trust Paxton Trustee 201South4heFree Distribution by a 3 248 Complimentary and Other Free Copies Frank R. Pauton Tust UA DTD 115/06 6445 Summer Place Paducah KY 42001 oyce W. Paton Trust UA DTD 1506 6445 Summer Place Paducah KY 4200 ures F. Paton.201 South Sheet .Outsoe County as stated on Form 3541 2 Iin County as stated on Fo 3541 3. Other Clastes maled through USPS 4 Free Distributon Outside the Mal (Camiers David M. Paxton 201 Souh 4th Seet Paducah Nancy L. Paadon, Trustee ol Nancy L Pzxtonoher mears Trust dated 85/2004 49 amesAve Atherton CA20 94027 Marie Fagen Machel 1725 North 15m Auu 3) and (4) E Total Free Dstribution(Sum of 15/1).( rederick Mitchll&Linda Mtchel JointlyF Total Distribution (Sum of 15C and 1SE) Boing Green KY 42104 Marha P Snquefeid 193 Rainbow Dr. 3343 Livingston TX 77399-1093 ames L Snqualeid 133 Rairbow D R3 Lvingston TX 77399-109 G. Copies Not Disbuted H,Total(Sun of 15Fand G) LPercent Paid andor Requested Cirulation rustee PO Box5C dvided by 15F. times 100 Rchard E. Paxton 201 South 4h Sreer adow F Pato, 2200 Maket St. #501 Dia Paxton t95 Paid Elecronic Copies Total Paid Print Copies cTotal Print Distrbution&Paid Eledtronic Copies 08 1 Ridge Rd Ashand OR 97520 Douglas E Paxton 2496 15th Street San Geoge H. Sulhan Trustee UA 730 85 FBO Percent Paid Both Print and Electronic 94% 97% I certily that the staements made by me aboe H Sulhan Trustee UA DTD 6239 ar correct and complete