FREE RESPIRATORY TESTING THAT CAN HELP RETIRED OR FORMER MINERS APPLY OR RE-APPLY FOR FEDERAL BLACK LUNG BENEFITS Mon, Sept. 16 10 am. to 1p.m White Plains Community Center 112 NE Railroad St./White Plains Wed, Sept. 18 Black Lung Q&A Event with Panel of Experts Martha Roberts, RN, BSN Education and Outreach Coordinator 10am. to Noon St. Ann Church FREE: Pulmonary function test Blood pressure screening Pulse oximetry 304 S. Church St./Morganfield Wed, Sept. 25 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Muhlenberg County Courthouse 100S. Main St./Greenville No reservation or appointment is necessary We offer assistance in applying or ne-applying for Federal Back Lung benefts For questions, piease cal 12700 338-8300 Owensboro Health Muhlenberg Community Hospital FREE RESPIRATORY TESTING THAT CAN HELP RETIRED OR FORMER MINERS APPLY OR RE-APPLY FOR FEDERAL BLACK LUNG BENEFITS Mon, Sept. 16 10 am. to 1p.m White Plains Community Center 112 NE Railroad St./White Plains Wed, Sept. 18 Black Lung Q&A Event with Panel of Experts Martha Roberts, RN, BSN Education and Outreach Coordinator 10am. to Noon St. Ann Church FREE: Pulmonary function test Blood pressure screening Pulse oximetry 304 S. Church St./Morganfield Wed, Sept. 25 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Muhlenberg County Courthouse 100S. Main St./Greenville No reservation or appointment is necessary We offer assistance in applying or ne-applying for Federal Back Lung benefts For questions, piease cal 12700 338-8300 Owensboro Health Muhlenberg Community Hospital