1 IN 8 WOMEN GET BREAST CANCER But, the 5-year survival rate when caught early, 99% can be as high as TAKE ACTION. GET YOUR MAMMOGRAM Owensboro Health A simple mammogram can help you be less concerned about the "what ifs of breast cancer so you can focus on what really matters. And, with the added benefit of 3D technology at all of our locations as well as walk-in service, you'll want to call today to get an accurate picture of your breast health. CALL1-844-50-MAMMO TODAY! SEVERAL AREA LOCATIONS. OWENSBOROHEALTH ORG/MAMMOGRAM GET YOUR MAMMOGRAM IN OCTOBER&RECEVEA COMPLIMENTARY MANICURESET HTTP:/Www5.KOMEN ORG/BREASTCANCER/CHANCESFORSURVIVALBASEDONCANCERSTAGE. HTML