Health Notification Are You Hard of Hearing? A major name brand hearing aid provider wishes to field test a remarkable new digital hearing instrument in the area. This offer is free of charge and you are under no obligation These revolutionary 100% Digital instruments use the latest technology to comfortably and almost invisibly help you hear more clearly. This technology solves the "stopped up ears" and "head in a barrel sensation some people experience. If you wish to participate, you will be required to have your hearing tested in our office FREE OF CHARGE to determine candidacy and review your results with the hearing instruments with our hearing care specialist. At the end of this evaluation, you may keep your instrument, if you so desire, at a tremendous savings for participating in this field test. Special testing will be done to determine the increased benefits of this technology Benefits ofhearingaids vary by typeand degreeofhearing loss, noiseenvironment, accuracy of hearing test, and proper fit. This is a wonderful opportunity to determine if hearing help is available for your hearing loss and get help at a very affordable price. SOME FEDERAL WORKERS AND RETIREES MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR HEARINGAIDS AT NO COST! That's Right... No Co Pay! No Exam Fee! No Adjustment Fee! MOST INSURANCE PLANS ARE ACCEPTED INCLUDING BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD CALL NOW IF YOU WISH TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS FIELD TEST LIMITED TIME ONLY! Now through July 31, 2018 the Hearing Aid Field Test CALL TOLL FREE Call today to make your reservation for' I Audiotone Pro select styles. I I Fits up to 35 db loss. Expires 731/18 1 Miracle Ear Hear A Better Day Miracle-Ear Hearing Aid Centers MADISONVILLE 230A Madison Square Drive HOPKINSVILLE 532 Noel Ave CODE: HI7M3CH8