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  • Published Date

    June 3, 2020
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ARE YOU READY FOR A Fresh Start? We know you are ready to live life to the fullest again and to do that you need to stay connected to the world around you. HEARING IS MORE ESSENTIAL NOW THAN EVER. Come in for a FREE* HEARING EVALUATION and see how easy it is to get started. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU JUNE 8TH - JUNE 12TH We have a factory trained specialist roady to help you start your hearing journey. Offering free demos of our newest technology and special discounts. I Miracle-EarMINI"1: DISCREET DESIGN COMFORT FITI NOW ONLY $595 FINANCING OPTIONS AVAILABLE THROUGH JUNE 3OTH 100% FINANCING APPROVAL" ey de thing 24 MONTHS" INTEREST FREE FINANCING On Any Mae ng YOUR SAFETY MATTERS We wart to aue you that yout atety and weilbeing wil lys be our prorty and e coreruing to montor and kullowal local te nd tederal health guidelines TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF OUR ATIENTS Ong ortde cenkheks Mas and glo alatie tr ouspeoule e pet Alegment ndacen becret and diretet be p CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-387-3068 MIRACLE-EAR HEARING AID CENTERS MADISONVILLE 230A Madison Square Drive, Unit A HOPKINSVILLE 532 Noel Ave. MMiracle-Ear' (70 eing et Hng caton reeds ony d A gh diometre t detemine praper mp iamodicl em "Tarcing ptons mey net be combined Soe stores CODE: LN64017 ARE YOU READY FOR A Fresh Start? We know you are ready to live life to the fullest again and to do that you need to stay connected to the world around you. HEARING IS MORE ESSENTIAL NOW THAN EVER. Come in for a FREE* HEARING EVALUATION and see how easy it is to get started. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU JUNE 8TH - JUNE 12TH We have a factory trained specialist roady to help you start your hearing journey. Offering free demos of our newest technology and special discounts. I Miracle-EarMINI"1: DISCREET DESIGN COMFORT FITI NOW ONLY $595 FINANCING OPTIONS AVAILABLE THROUGH JUNE 3OTH 100% FINANCING APPROVAL" ey de thing 24 MONTHS" INTEREST FREE FINANCING On Any Mae ng YOUR SAFETY MATTERS We wart to aue you that yout atety and weilbeing wil lys be our prorty and e coreruing to montor and kullowal local te nd tederal health guidelines TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF OUR ATIENTS Ong ortde cenkheks Mas and glo alatie tr ouspeoule e pet Alegment ndacen becret and diretet be p CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-387-3068 MIRACLE-EAR HEARING AID CENTERS MADISONVILLE 230A Madison Square Drive, Unit A HOPKINSVILLE 532 Noel Ave. MMiracle-Ear' (70 eing et Hng caton reeds ony d A gh diometre t detemine praper mp iamodicl em "Tarcing ptons mey net be combined Soe stores CODE: LN64017